mercoledì 19 maggio 2010

Traduzione di Kubla Kahn

Below you'll find an adequate translation of the poem read in class.

Kubla Khan fece in Xanadù
Una residenza di delizie fabbricare:
Dove Alfeo, sacro fiume, verso un mare
Senza sole fluiva giù
Per caverne che l'uomo non può misurare.
Per due volte cinque miglia di fertile suolo
Lo circondò con torri e mura;
C'eran bei giardini, ruscelli sinuosi,
Alberi d'incenso in fioritura;
C'eran boschi antichi come le colline
E assolate macchie di verzura.

Ma, oh! quel romantico abisso che sprofondava
Giù per la verde collina in un folto di cedri!
Luogo selvaggio! Luogo santo e incantato
Quale fu mai visitato sotto una luna calante
Da una donna in sospiri per il suo dèmone amante!
E dall'abisso, fremente in continuo tumulto,
Quasi scuotesse la terra un cupo affanno di palpiti,
Una possente fontana d'un tratto sprizzò:
E tra i suoi scrosci semi-intermittenti
Balzavano enormi frammenti come di grandine
O di grano che salta battuto dal battitore:
E tra queste rocce danzanti una volta e sempre
Il fiume sacro nasceva improvviso.
Per cinque miglia serpeggiando fluiva
Il fiume sacro fra boschi e piccole valli,
Giungeva a caverne che l'uomo non può misurare,
Poi sfociava in tumulto a un oceano senza vita:
E nel tumulto Kubla udì le voci remote
Degli antenati che predicavano guerra!
L'ombra della casa di delizie
Fluttuava sull'acqua a mezza via,
Dove si confondeva il ritmo sovrapposto
Della fontana e delle grotte.
Era un prodigio di rara maestria:
Antri di ghiaccio e cupola solatìa

Una fanciulla con salterio
Io vidi in una visione:
Era una giovane Abissina
E col suo salterio sonava,
Del Monte Abora cantava.
Potessi in me resuscitare
Quel suo canto e melodia,
Vinto di gioia ne sarei,
Di piena musica nell'aria
Quella residenza anch'io fabbricherei,
Quelle grotte di ghiaccio, la cupola assolata!
E ognuno che ascoltasse li vedrebbe,
E tutti griderebbero: Attento! Bada!
I suoi occhi di lampo, le sue chiome fluenti!
Fagli tre volte intorno un cerchio,
E chiudi i tuoi occhi con santo timore,
Perché con rugiada di miele fu nutrito
E bevve latte di paradiso

domenica 9 maggio 2010

Sunflowers by Simo

Do you know about Sophia's story?
Sophia was the little daughter of Lady Ingram, the widow of a wealthy landowner, who had left her alone with their three daughters; they lived in a small city near London, and they liked walking in the fields near their house because they gave them a beautiful sense of freedom from worries. The first daughter, already big, soon found a husband and moved to London; the second chose to study medicine and became a doctor in the new hospital, searching for new methods to treat sick people.
Therefore the youngest daughter, Sophia, grew up with all the attentions of the mother, who saw in her eyes the eyes of the dead husband. Sophia had never met her father because he had died before she had been born, and this troubled her, thinking she was the cause of his death.
She never spoke to anyone and spent all her afternoons in a sunflower field near home, where she watched her eyes in a mirror, thinking about the look of her father. Until one day she saw a man in the field , dressed in yellow, as sunflowers; he came towards her, then he looked at her sweetly and said: 'You must be like these flowers, which follow the one who gives them the life, but they are always beautiful and proud of what they are'.
Then he became light and returned to the sun.

My short story by Ali

Drin, drin,drin,drin
- Hello? Who's calling? Hello? - Tu,tu,tu, - Oh, I've probably been cut off. I'll have another
nap. - ZzZzZz......
Two hours later.
Drin, drin,drin,drin
- I hate mobile! People cannot be left one moment in peace!-
James couldn't get the calling because the mobile stopped ringing. It was about 8 o'clock.
- I have a date with Jane in ten minutes, I'm so late, how could I sleep for such a long time?-
It was completely dark, and so James tried to find the light switch, touching the wall, but without success. Then he decided to get up, but as he tried to do it, he hit his head.
- Ouch, what is it? I have never had a shelf hanging over my bed!-
He touched the walls and used his mobile to light the room up.
A cold shiver passed throguh his back ...
- Relax, James. It's only a nightmare, I'm alvie, I cannot be buried in a coffin.
Oh, my God, someone help me, please! HELP ME!
Just at that moment the mobile's battery ran down and every effort to knock and shout was useless 4 meters under the ground!