sabato 1 ottobre 2011

On the Anatomy of the World - John Donne, a comment by a student

The poet shows a new vision of man's relation with the universe and so his life. John Donne represents a confused creature who has lost his landmarks because of the contemporary scientific discoveries. The conclusion is cynical and tends to the dramatic: there is no universal value, every man is enough to himself because the objective of every individual is different.
This said, we can add that John Donne changes a lot his opinion about man's condition and relation with his race: there seems to be no more reason to be everybody like an enormous continent, because the difference between people is so remarkable and unbridgeable to force man to loneliness.
For example, we can notice the fracture of the personal relationships: between father and son, prince and subject. The poet conceives therefore a man with a false freedom, that of being sufficient to himself and not to be conditioned by society and religious reality, because he cannot fulfill his wish for something beyond.

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